Tag Archives: awkward moments with grown son

When Your Grown Son Moves Into Your Bachelorette Pad

5 Sep

For the last two and a half years, I’ve lived alone and I’ve loved every insp_a-womans-house-smminute of it. My condo is a total bachelorette pad and it’s my sanctuary.

A week and a half ago my son came to stay with me. It was just supposed to be for a couple days, but now there’s no end in sight. I’m thrilled that he’s home and I haven’t minded having him here. But there are some challenges, and let’s be honest, some….awkward moments…..having a 21 year old son as a roommate.

Since he’s been here, he’s been respectful and pleasant, and I can trust him not to do anything in my house that I don’t allow. He’s not a bother, it’s just, well, he kind of cramps my style! Continue reading