Tag Archives: unibrow

Give Me a Head With Hair

10 Feb

Give me a head with hair, long beautiful hair
Shining, gleaming, streaming, flaxen, waxen
Give me down to there, hair, shoulder length or longer, hair
Here baby, there, momma, everywhere, daddy, daddy

Those lyrics from the 60’s hit song Hair came to me the other day as I was showering and getting ready to go out. hairI am fortunate to have lots of thick, healthy hair. On my head. That’s where the fortunate part ends, because unfortunately, it’s accompanied by thick, healthy hair on other, less desirable parts of my body. I realized as I was performing my many hair maintenance/styling/eradication routines, that I spend more time and money dealing with hair than I do anything else. Continue reading

Search and Destroy Mission: Battling Unwanted Body Hair

20 Feb

facial hairUnfortunately, I’ve always had a little more hair than I liked. I was cursed with a unibrow, and have been trying to pluck my eyebrows into submission since I was about 12. You’d think by now they’d have just given up and refused to keep growing, but no. In addition, my eyebrow hair  has started getting longer, somewhat like an old man’s. So every five weeks when I get my hair cut, I also make an appointment with the esthetician to get my eyebrows trimmed and waxed. And sometimes tinted, because they’ve also decided to sprout a few gray hairs.

I’m not one of the fortunate girls who have soft, blond hair on their legs and arms. I have black hair, and when it grows out (i.e. the next day) it feels like porcupine quills. I have to shave my legs every day in the summer,  and every other day, or if I’m being lazy and can wear long pajamas, every third  day in the winter. Continue reading